Extending Life Tables with HMD Regression Parameters
cfg <- yaml::read_yaml("~/lifeTableProcessing.yml")
Some methods of extending a life table to higher open age intervals (such as iterative methods) require an initial set of life table parameters at these older ages. One method of getting this information is by applying regression parameters calculated from a known quality set of life tables with data out to the desired open age already available. Here, we use life tables from HMD to estimate a set of regression parameters that can be used to extend \(q_x\) and \(a_x\) to higher age groups.
Preparing the Data
First, we must load HMD life table data
id_vars <- c("hmd_loc_id", "year", "sex")
hmd_lts <- read_parquet(
fs::path(cfg$dir_proj, "data/prepped/hmd_lifetables_5x1.parquet"),
col_select = c(all_of(id_vars), "age_start", "age_end", "mx", "ax", "qx")
Then we can subset to the life tables we want to include in this analysis, dropping location-years that should not be used to inform others
hmd_lts <- hmd_lts[
year >= 1950 &
!(hmd_loc_id == "TWN" & year < 1980) &
!(hmd_loc_id == "EST" & year > 2000) &
!(hmd_loc_id %in% c("UKR", "BLR", "BGR") & year < 1970) &
!(hmd_loc_id %in% c("LVA", "LTV") & year %between% c(1958, 1970)) &
!(hmd_loc_id == "IRL" & year %between% c(1949, 1986)) &
!(hmd_loc_id == "PRT" & year %between% c(1939, 1971)) &
!(hmd_loc_id == "RUS" & year %between% c(1958, 1970)) &
!(hmd_loc_id == "SVK" & year %between% c(1949, 1962)) &
!(hmd_loc_id == "ESP" & year %between% c(1907, 1961))
Finally, we create computed variable for use in the different regressions
Extend \(q_x\) Using Logit Differences
First we get the \(\text{logit}(q_x)\) differences from the prior and to the next age group for age groups starting between 65 and 100:
model_formula <- qx_logit_diff_from ~ qx_logit_diff_to + (1 | hmd_loc_id)
hmd_extension_qx_diff <- hmd_lts[
age_start %between% c(65, 100) &
!is.na(qx_logit_diff_to) &
j = .(fit = list(lme4::lmer(formula = model_formula, data = .SD))),
by = .(sex, age_start, age_end)
hmd_extension_qx_diff[, `:=`(
intercept = unlist(lapply(fit, \(f) fixef(f)[["(Intercept)"]])),
slope = unlist(lapply(fit, \(f) fixef(f)[["qx_logit_diff_to"]])),
fit = NULL
sex | age_start | age_end | intercept | slope |
male | 65 | 70 | 0.4957160 | -0.0085085 |
male | 70 | 75 | 0.6151890 | -0.1566576 |
male | 75 | 80 | 0.8199848 | -0.4061215 |
male | 80 | 85 | 0.6258410 | 0.0611741 |
male | 85 | 90 | 0.2197281 | 0.7651048 |
male | 90 | 95 | 0.3495559 | 0.5630764 |
male | 95 | 100 | 0.1089061 | 0.8854771 |
male | 100 | 105 | 0.0530741 | 0.8665673 |
female | 65 | 70 | 0.5195930 | 0.1026040 |
female | 70 | 75 | 0.6582319 | -0.0456473 |
female | 75 | 80 | 1.0487815 | -0.5668065 |
female | 80 | 85 | 0.6038315 | 0.1792445 |
female | 85 | 90 | 0.0783169 | 0.9446547 |
female | 90 | 95 | 0.2523441 | 0.7727185 |
female | 95 | 100 | -0.0099588 | 1.0515176 |
female | 100 | 105 | 0.0079646 | 0.9375573 |
Extend \(a_x\) using \(m_x\)
Here we fit a model:
\[ a_x \sim 1 + m_x + (m_x)^2 \]
for age groups starting between 65 and 105:
hmd_extension_ax_mx <- hmd_lts[
age_start %between% c(65, 105),
j = .(fit = list(lm(ax ~ mx + mx_sq, data = .SD))),
by = .(sex, age_start, age_end)
hmd_extension_ax_mx[, `:=`(
par_con = unlist(lapply(fit, \(f) coef(f)[["(Intercept)"]])),
par_mx = unlist(lapply(fit, \(f) coef(f)[["mx"]])),
par_smx = unlist(lapply(fit, \(f) coef(f)[["mx_sq"]])),
fit = NULL
sex | age_start | age_end | par_con | par_mx | par_smx |
male | 65 | 70 | 2.655787 | 0.6748368 | -60.2064445 |
male | 70 | 75 | 2.713122 | -2.5422057 | -0.9346173 |
male | 75 | 80 | 2.725458 | -2.1149003 | -5.0620852 |
male | 80 | 85 | 2.827550 | -3.6335344 | 3.6484886 |
male | 85 | 90 | 2.965212 | -4.6709875 | 5.6457705 |
male | 90 | 95 | 2.718517 | -2.2618119 | 0.0653742 |
male | 95 | 100 | 2.475736 | -1.2530734 | -0.8679438 |
male | 100 | 105 | 2.468930 | -1.6268839 | -0.0702455 |
male | 105 | 110 | 2.499842 | -1.9481037 | 0.3692467 |
female | 65 | 70 | 2.644214 | 4.9605623 | -188.6903274 |
female | 70 | 75 | 2.720471 | -1.7708118 | -3.5943329 |
female | 75 | 80 | 2.761720 | -2.4564156 | -3.1850617 |
female | 80 | 85 | 2.833773 | -3.4674317 | 2.7894367 |
female | 85 | 90 | 2.949345 | -4.6150126 | 6.0516197 |
female | 90 | 95 | 2.810583 | -2.7892982 | 0.8182935 |
female | 95 | 100 | 2.508941 | -1.0877904 | -1.4234516 |
female | 100 | 105 | 2.469973 | -1.4549882 | -0.3732124 |
female | 105 | 110 | 2.510196 | -1.9088747 | 0.2926738 |
Extend \(a_x\) using \(q_x\)
Here we fit a model:
\[ a_x \sim 1 + q_x + (q_x)^2 \]
for age groups starting between 65 and 105:
hmd_extension_ax_qx <- hmd_lts[
age_start %between% c(65, 105),
j = .(fit = list(lm(ax ~ qx + qx_sq, data = .SD))),
by = .(sex, age_start, age_end)
hmd_extension_ax_qx[, `:=`(
par_con = unlist(lapply(fit, \(f) coef(f)[["(Intercept)"]])),
par_qx = unlist(lapply(fit, \(f) coef(f)[["qx"]])),
par_sqx = unlist(lapply(fit, \(f) coef(f)[["qx_sq"]])),
fit = NULL
sex | age_start | age_end | par_con | par_qx | par_sqx |
male | 65 | 70 | 2.6468478 | 0.3383540 | -3.6882332 |
male | 70 | 75 | 2.7166409 | -0.5410589 | -0.2611817 |
male | 75 | 80 | 2.7293043 | -0.3966216 | -0.6727435 |
male | 80 | 85 | 2.8687304 | -0.8953252 | -0.0751920 |
male | 85 | 90 | 3.0153298 | -1.0983996 | -0.1156262 |
male | 90 | 95 | 1.3570536 | 3.7462535 | -3.6245372 |
male | 95 | 100 | -0.0174649 | 7.2072049 | -5.8022013 |
male | 100 | 105 | -0.8555146 | 9.6571065 | -7.5077644 |
male | 105 | 110 | -2.0107408 | 13.0535022 | -9.8509814 |
female | 65 | 70 | 2.6309579 | 1.4170484 | -10.7048077 |
female | 70 | 75 | 2.7252613 | -0.4328476 | -0.0668846 |
female | 75 | 80 | 2.7672970 | -0.5260225 | -0.4021927 |
female | 80 | 85 | 2.8447469 | -0.7368805 | -0.2243046 |
female | 85 | 90 | 2.9569706 | -0.9531129 | -0.1697015 |
female | 90 | 95 | 2.1848362 | 1.6193808 | -2.2537524 |
female | 95 | 100 | 0.0478187 | 7.1664051 | -5.8188904 |
female | 100 | 105 | -0.8859450 | 9.6975049 | -7.4943327 |
female | 105 | 110 | -2.0428305 | 13.0788411 | -9.8299945 |