Rank non-unique rows in a data.table using defined priority orders

  unique_id_cols = rank_by_cols,
  warn_missing_levels = FALSE,
  warn_non_unique_priority = FALSE,
  check_top_priority_unique_only = FALSE



Data to determine rank priority for.


Apply rank_order priorities to each unique combination of rank_by_cols in dt. This should be equal to or a subset of unique_id_cols.


ID columns that once ranked by priority will uniquely identify rows of dt in combination with the priority column. This should be a superset of rank_by_cols. Default is equal to rank_by_cols.


Named [list()] defining the priority order to use when ranking non-unique rows. Each element of rank_order corresponds to a column in dt, the prioritization is applied according to the order of elements in rank_order. Possible values for each column are '1' (ascending), '-1' (descending) or ordered factor levels when the column is not a numeric. See details for more information.


Whether to warn about missing levels for elements of rank_order or throw error. Default is 'FALSE' and errors out if there are missing levels.


Whether to warn about specified rank_by_cols & rank_order leading to non-unique rows of dt after generating 'priority' column. Default is 'FALSE' and errors out if there are non-unique rows.


When checking for non-unique rows of dt after generating the 'priority' column with the rank_by_cols & names of rank_order, only check the priority=1 rows. This is useful when specified rank_order levels are not exhaustive leading to 'NA' priorities for some rows. Default if 'FALSE' and errors out if there are any non-unique rows.


dt with a new 'priority' column generated using the rules specified in rank_order. 'priority' equal to 1 is the highest priority


prioritize_dt uses data.table::setorderv to order dt according to rank_order. prioritize_dt takes three possible values to specify the order of a column in dt.

  1. '1', order a numeric column in ascending order (smaller values have higher priority).

  2. '-1', order a numeric column in descending order (larger values have higher priority).

  3. factor levels, to order a categorical column in a custom order with the first level having highest priority. When not all present values of the column are defined in the levels, the priority will be NA and a warning printed if quiet = FALSE.

The order of elements in rank_order matters. The more important rules should be placed earlier in rank_order so that they are applied first.


# preliminary data with only total population dt_total <- data.table::CJ( location = "USA", year = 2000, age_start = 0, age_end = Inf, method = c("de facto", "de jure"), status = c("preliminary") ) # final data in 10 year age groups dt_10_yr_groups <- data.table::CJ( location = "USA", year = 2000, age_start = seq(0, 80, 10), method = c("de facto", "de jure"), status = c("final") ) dt_10_yr_groups[, age_end := age_start + 10]
#> location year age_start method status age_end #> 1: USA 2000 0 de facto final 10 #> 2: USA 2000 0 de jure final 10 #> 3: USA 2000 10 de facto final 20 #> 4: USA 2000 10 de jure final 20 #> 5: USA 2000 20 de facto final 30 #> 6: USA 2000 20 de jure final 30 #> 7: USA 2000 30 de facto final 40 #> 8: USA 2000 30 de jure final 40 #> 9: USA 2000 40 de facto final 50 #> 10: USA 2000 40 de jure final 50 #> 11: USA 2000 50 de facto final 60 #> 12: USA 2000 50 de jure final 60 #> 13: USA 2000 60 de facto final 70 #> 14: USA 2000 60 de jure final 70 #> 15: USA 2000 70 de facto final 80 #> 16: USA 2000 70 de jure final 80 #> 17: USA 2000 80 de facto final 90 #> 18: USA 2000 80 de jure final 90
dt_10_yr_groups[age_start == 80, age_end := Inf]
#> location year age_start method status age_end #> 1: USA 2000 0 de facto final 10 #> 2: USA 2000 0 de jure final 10 #> 3: USA 2000 10 de facto final 20 #> 4: USA 2000 10 de jure final 20 #> 5: USA 2000 20 de facto final 30 #> 6: USA 2000 20 de jure final 30 #> 7: USA 2000 30 de facto final 40 #> 8: USA 2000 30 de jure final 40 #> 9: USA 2000 40 de facto final 50 #> 10: USA 2000 40 de jure final 50 #> 11: USA 2000 50 de facto final 60 #> 12: USA 2000 50 de jure final 60 #> 13: USA 2000 60 de facto final 70 #> 14: USA 2000 60 de jure final 70 #> 15: USA 2000 70 de facto final 80 #> 16: USA 2000 70 de jure final 80 #> 17: USA 2000 80 de facto final Inf #> 18: USA 2000 80 de jure final Inf
input_dt <- rbind(dt_total, dt_10_yr_groups) input_dt[, n_age_groups := .N, by = setdiff(names(input_dt), c("age_start", "age_end"))]
#> location year age_start age_end method status n_age_groups #> 1: USA 2000 0 Inf de facto preliminary 1 #> 2: USA 2000 0 Inf de jure preliminary 1 #> 3: USA 2000 0 10 de facto final 9 #> 4: USA 2000 0 10 de jure final 9 #> 5: USA 2000 10 20 de facto final 9 #> 6: USA 2000 10 20 de jure final 9 #> 7: USA 2000 20 30 de facto final 9 #> 8: USA 2000 20 30 de jure final 9 #> 9: USA 2000 30 40 de facto final 9 #> 10: USA 2000 30 40 de jure final 9 #> 11: USA 2000 40 50 de facto final 9 #> 12: USA 2000 40 50 de jure final 9 #> 13: USA 2000 50 60 de facto final 9 #> 14: USA 2000 50 60 de jure final 9 #> 15: USA 2000 60 70 de facto final 9 #> 16: USA 2000 60 70 de jure final 9 #> 17: USA 2000 70 80 de facto final 9 #> 18: USA 2000 70 80 de jure final 9 #> 19: USA 2000 80 Inf de facto final 9 #> 20: USA 2000 80 Inf de jure final 9
output_dt <- prioritize_dt( dt = input_dt, rank_by_cols = c("location", "year"), unique_id_cols = c("location", "year", "age_start", "age_end"), rank_order = list( method = c("de facto", "de jure"), # prioritize 'de facto' sources highest n_age_groups = -1 # prioritize sources with more age groups ) )